British Columbia is home to 170,000 moose with 70% of the population located in the Northern region of B.C. The B.C. moose density ratio ranges from as low as 0.3 moose per square km to as high of 1.5 moose per square km. Our area has a high density of Canadian Moose with an astonishing 1.18 moose per square km. With over 6000 square km to hunt, the hunting pressure in the area is minimal.
The land provides ideal moose habitat with hundreds of lakes, creeks, swamps and two major rivers not to mention a provincial park allowing for exceptional moose habitat. The soil is mineral rich allowing for fast growing vegetation,especially willows, a main food source for moose.
We harvest heavy antlered moose with an average rack of 45″, with many taken in the 50″-60″ range. Our success rate is high and we have taken many Boone & Crocket bulls.
The hunt is conducted on foot, ATV, horseback and jet boat. We have several camps situated in remote areas in an effort to Increase the trophy potential for our hunters. .
Our moose hunts are 7 or 8 days long, which start in September and run until the beginning of November, covering the moose rut from the middle of September until the middle of October. The hunting method is calling during the rut, spot and stalk on our late hunt. Hunters may hunt on a 2 hunters with1 guide or 1 hunter on1 guide ratio.
In addition to moose, our area harbors some of the largest black bears in North America. During this time period hunters may upgrade to add a black bear, wolf or Lynx (Lynx available from Nov. 1 -Nov 5 Only) for an additional fee.
So give us a call now at 250-421-8085 to book the Ultimate Moose hunt that you’ve been dreaming about!