We offer Trapline Adventures in Northern British Columbia where trapping is still part of many people’s lives and for some their sole income. Trapping has played a key role in the history of
Canada, when people first came to Canada hundreds of years ago beaver pelts were the bread and butter of the industry, however the fur market fluctuates year to year so much. For the most part marten are now the bread and butter of the industry, prices are good for wolverine and fisher in the past years. Every year several of our marten will make top lot in the XL, XXl and XXXL category’s. Our trapline lies within our guide territory and is approximately 500 square miles. We trap marten, fisher, mink, ermine, squirrel, lynx, coyote, wolf, wolverine, beaver, muskrat and river otter. Access throughout the trapline is by truck, snowmobiles and via Argo. Since the trapline is too big to be covered in a single day we split it into three days. One day you will check all by sleds or the Argo, you will be checking box sets for marten, fisher, mink, ermine and wolverine, as well as killing snares for wolves, coyotes and lynx. On the second day it will be checking/rebaiting our wolf bait stations and snares in the morning and in the afternoon via the truck checking marten, and ermine boxes. You’ll also be checking footholds set for wolves, coyotes and lynx. Killing traps for beavers, muskrat and otters will also be checked. On the third day if we missed any parts of the line this will be checked and if we don’t often we will put in a few new sets if we see good sign in an area.
A person who comes on a trapping trip must be in good shape, you will walk several miles every day in short stints to get the traps. One must be willing to be out in the cold every day and have the right clothing for the weather. We recommend having two sets of winter clothing since you will be getting wet and temperatures will be below 0 Celsius constantly. You are able to take back any of the furs trapped during the trip for either a trophy fee (Lynx/Wolf) or the royalty for the furs.
So give us a call now at 250-421-8085 to book the Ultimate Trapline Adventure that you’ve been dreaming about!