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Box 82 Grasmere

British Columbia, Canada V0B 1R0

Trophy Black Bear Hunting in Northern British Columbia

Trophy Black Bear Hunting in Northern British Columbia

Total Outdoor Adventures offers trophy black bear hunts north of Prince George, the gateway to Northern British Columbia. With over a 3000 square mile area to hunt, the opportunities are plentiful and the roads are endless. BC Fish and Wildlife estimate there is over 150,000 black bears that call BC its home, and according to local biologists the density of black bears in our area is close to the top in the world.

Color Phase Black Bear

In BC we are fortunate enough to have several color phases of bears, Black, Cinnamon, Blonde and the world-renowned Glacier phased bears. Our hunters in the past have harvested all of the above phases besides Glacier as they are a protected species and very meaningful to the First Nations in the area.

Bears in the early spring emerge from hibernation of the tough winter months, and wander looking for an easy meal. Bears are omnivores; therefore they tend to feed along side the roads and the pipeline eating new growth.

Typical Black Bear Hunting Day!

A normal day of bear hunting with us begins at around 1:00 PM, you will get lots of rest and wake up to a big breakfast at our main lodge made by our camp cook. In the afternoon you will hop in the truck and search the roads for bear movement and/or sign. Hunters can also expect to do some walking during their hunt; we will walk over grown logging roads and the pipeline. We have noticed that bears move into this type of area to feed and the boars will be in search of a breedable female.

We also offer Black Bear Hunting with Hounds!

To add to the excitement, Total Outdoor Adventures has a pack of fully trained walkers and blue ticks, our dogs are hunted throughout the winter months and are in prime hunting shape for the spring bears. If you haven’t followed a pack of bear hungry hounds before then it should definitely be on your to do list, TOA has been bear hunting with hounds for over 20 years.

Focus on Harvesting Large Mature Boars

Our guides are well trained in tracking and judging trophy quality; we only harvest mature bears and the focus on harvesting mature boars. At Total Outdoor Adventures conservation and game management is very important to our high success rates, if a young female is killed then it only hurts our success in the future.

Average Size of Harvested BC Black Bears

A mature boar in our area averages six and a half feet, with plenty of seven foot plus boars harvested every spring. With such a high density of bears in the area, the government of British Columbia has allowed non-resident hunters to harvest two bears, an excellent opportunity to harvest color phase and mature boars.

Spring Bear Hunts

During our spring bear hunts we only hunt the morning and evening, as the heat deters bear behavior during the day. After the morning hunt, you will come back to the main lodge where lunch will be waiting. Later in the evening you will go back out hunting and use the same methods as the morning hunt. However the methods may change due to the changing weather patterns, be sure to bring good rain gear on this hunt!! During this hunt, you can expect to see plenty of game, an average day bear hunting you can expect to see four to twelve bears, grizzlies, wolves, lynx, and moose. Unfortunately lynx and moose are out of season but wolves is a great add on to a spring bear hunt. If you’d like to learn more about hunting wolves with us click here!.

British Columbia Spring Bear Season

The bear season runs from April 1st through to June 15th, we have had high success rates throughout the season with May being the most productive.